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Review: ZyberVR All-in-One Controller Extended Handle for Oculus Quest 2

Can a little bit of metal, plastic, and rubber dramatically enhance your VR experience?

Let’s take a look at ZyberVR All-in-One Controller Extended Handle and what it does to improve the way you enjoy golf and other games in VR. 

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review zybervr all in one controller extended handle for oculus quest 2 061953154

What to expect with the all-in-one controller extension handle

The all-in-one handle extension makes it simple to move between three modes:

  • The dual handle mode makes it feel just like a kayak oar
  • The short handles mode is great for baton, sword, and tennis games
  • The long handle made is perfect for replicating a golf club.
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review zybervr all in one controller extended handle for oculus quest 2 061906446

Material, comfort, and overall impression

  • It is made of reinforced ABS plastic and feels sturdy.
  • The quick lock design makes for easy adjustment and installation.
  • It has a hollowed-out design that does not block signals.
  • Great anti-slip feel and adjustable weighted handles.
  • Outstanding build quality with no suggested improvements.

A few of my favorite games to try this out with

  • Kayak VR: Mirage - I’ve gone kayaking in Costa Rica (many times as I used to live there), and this game is the closest I’ve experienced to that. If this game is on your list of favorites then this accessory is a no-brainer. It feels like you have an oar in your hands and not like you’re doggy paddling. A true night and day difference.
  • Vader Immortal: Unleash your inner Star Wars nerd with something that feels much closer to a lightsaber in your hand. The added weight and handle grip add to the immersion. The first time I rolled the saber in my hand and felt it buzz past my ear I had the biggest grin. Great feel!
  • Beat Saber: For people who mostly play Beat Saber, they may not take these things off often. The added weight gives a bit more of a workout. If you enjoy Beat Saber for exercise these extensions will get you feeling the burn even faster. I didn’t notice better scores, but I did enjoy the grip as much if not more than my Kiwi grips.
  • Walkabout Mini Golf: The long handle gives just enough length and weight that you get a nice golf club feel. It’s not as long as a golf club, but it doesn’t need to be. There's a little cap that screws on the end of the extension to make it look clean, but I usually left it off.
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ZyberVR All-in-One Controller Extended Handle

Final Thoughts

Our rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

I think Zyber has a real winner on their hands here. The construction seems solid, the grip feels great, and there are plenty of games that it can improve the experience. I prefer this over the regular Beat Saber styler handles you see everywhere. Kayaking with this was especially fun.

Normally this is where I give constructive criticism, but I honestly have none. I think this is a great setup if you’re into any of these games. This is one accessory that will get a lot of use in my living room.

You can buy from ZyberVR directly and use the coupon code "VRNEWSIO" for an extra 20% off: https://vrn.gg/zybervr-all-in-one-extended-quest-2

If you prefer to buy from Amazon: https://amzn.to/3A6tBPy 

See you here next time! Ciao VR fam!

-VR Paul

DISCLAIMER: ZyberVR reached out and sent over the product wanting us to try it. No money was exchanged for this review, but we did receive the product for free. We’ve opted to use affiliate links in the article to help support our site when you purchase from the provided links. We only recommend products that we actually use and enjoy regardless of any affiliate offerings.  If you prefer to use a non-affiliate link you can visit the product page directly here: https://zybervr.com/products/zybervr-controller-extended-handle-for-oculus-quest-2

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