Virtual Reality News Roundup: VR Flakes August 20, 2022
Welcome to this week's issue of the VR Flakes Newsletter. Our goal is to deliver the best virtual reality news from...
VIVEPORT Holiday Specials Offers Joy to Infinity
VR products and services are expected to help bring holiday cheer to the VR community. New products are ready to...
DecaMove the VR Locomotion Solution You Didn't Know You Need
Kuntzman, CEO of Megadodo, announced the details of the upcoming DecaGears last year. He shared information about...
Virtual Reality News Roundup: VR Flakes Oct. 3, 2020
Welcome everyone to our first issue of the VR Flakes Newsletter. Our goal is to deliver the best virtual reality...
Until You Fall Review, Unique VR Combat
First impressions, this doesn't feel early access Jumping into Until You Fall, I didn't get the early access...
BONEWORKS Review: A Wild Physics Playground
In 1998, a Jurassic Park themed game called "Trespasser" was released, promising physics-based puzzles and action....
Step Into The World Of Darkness In VR Wraith Afterlife
I have to start off by saying I'm a big fan of the World of Darkness setting. I've been playing Vampire, Werewolf,...
Top 10 VR Games on Steam, August 2020
Greetings VR Fam! We've scoured the Steam public sales figures for August to bring you the top selling VR games...
Star Wars: Squadrons Preview
For those of us old enough to remember the old "Star Wars: Rebel Assault" games or "X-Wing" & "TIE Fighter"...
Top 10 VR Games on Steam, May 2020
Greetings VR Fam! We've scoured the Steam public sales figures for May to bring you the top selling VR games...
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